Monday, December 13, 2010

Change in Plans

Every year since 1999, Mark and I have gone to his Aunt's house for Christmas Eve. Slowly, people have stopped coming. We didn't do the $5 torturous gift exchange anymore and it had only been us, Mark's parents and brother and his aunt and uncle. Pretty lame but who wants to be alone on Christmas Eve?

Last year we had an early get together with everyone. The cousins and their kids, aunts, uncles, the whole enchilada. It was decided that we would do it again this year. It is nice to get a chance to hang out with family that we don't see all that often and our kids play together so nicely. So anyways, it was decided that there would be no Christmas Eve at Aunt Sandy's house. So what do I do? I volunteer to have Mark's parents and brother plus my parents over for Christmas Eve dinner. This was decided this past Saturday. Thirteen days before Christmas Eve. I might be nuts.

But I've come up with a menu that I think sort of rocks, especially if it all turns out. We will be having a roast with cheddar garlic mashed potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, broccoli slaw, butter corn, veggie medley and for dessert bread pudding with bananas foster sauce. Doesn't it sound Delicious? Don't you want to come over and have some? I'm ready for it now. I'm sure if it's not as good as it is in my head, I'll be complaining about my poor cooking skills on here. Fingers crossed though that it all turns out and my parents and in-laws get along OK. They have issues sometimes (well just the moms, our dads can get along with anyone).


  1. First I would LOVE to come over, your menu sounds much better than our buffet.
    We traditionally go to the in-laws and ext family for the eve of christmas, but i have to tell you I would much rather have the evening alone with the sportsman. Doing something super romantic. : )

    Happy Holidays

  2. Well if you just happen to happen over to Buffalo look me up:) I'm sure you and the sportsman will come up with something "fun" to do after your family obligations.
