Friday, September 28, 2012

Bump in the Night

Annabelle is completely gung ho on Halloween right now.  It is all she can talk about, all day all night.  She wants to be a princess, a witch, a La La Loopsy, Rapunzel, a flower.  She has costume ADD right now. 

We pulled out the Halloween decorations and she's been playing with every little thing.  To her, they are all toys.  She loves window clings.  They give her many hours of joy, repositioning them over and over on the windows and door.  Her latest creation involves a skeleton juggling.  I thought it was rather inspired.  What do you think?


  1. OK. The skeleton juggling? That is an acceptionally creative thing. Truly!

  2. Awesome juggler!

    My daughter is going to be Merida for Halloween.

  3. Skeleton juggling-awesome!! We are bribing W to get a costume on. Hopefully next year he'll be into it!
