Thursday, June 10, 2010

Will this diet ever end?

I have been doing Weight Watchers on my own since the middle of February. And now that it's unofficially summer, I've hit a road block. I had hoped to lose 30 pounds and I've lost 17 so far but I've been sitting there for almost 3 weeks now. Most people I know lose weight over the summer but I'm just the opposite. There are ice cream runs, hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill and parties and play dates. All of these things interfere with my diet/work out routine! It's really easy to forgo that 40 minutes on the treadmill at 8 am when I've stayed up later than normal and I have fun plans that day. Hopefully I'll stay on track this time around.

My husband is so supportive, telling me how great I'm doing. I also have some great friends, one especially that will tell me everytime she sees a difference or just asks how I'm doing, being my ultimate cheerleader. But damn it can be hard.

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