Monday, June 20, 2011

My Little Graduate!

Friday, Annabelle graduated from Pre-K.  I know that it is a completely stupid thing for the schools to do, but at the same time I was so proud of her.  She sang all her songs and did all of her dance moves so well!  After the poems, that made me cry just a little, and the DVD presentation and the songs and dancing, they introduced each individual and said a little bit about them.  When they anno0unced Annabelle, she stood up so tall and proud.  This is what they had to say.

If Annabelle could be any animal, she would be an elephant.  Her favorite store is Target.  That is where she buys all of her Rapunzel toys.  When she is 10 she will marry Josh (a boy in her class and we're going over to his house soon to use the hot tub) and live at Disney World.  They will have a black cat and have 4 kids, 2 boys and 3 girls.

Obviously, we have to work on her math skills.  I can't let her just be the pretty girl:)

I believe she's singing I Caught a Baby Bumblebee.

Uno, Dos Tres Amigos, with cues from Miss Amy

Her own time to shine

After the ceremony

The proud Mommy and Daddy

These were Annabelle teachers.  Miss Jackie, Miss Amy, and Miss Andrea.  She misses them so much already.

She was so proud of herself!  That Pre-K diploma will definitely be going in the special box for her to look back at her special day when she's older.

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